Story People & Statement People…

~ Some people explain things by way of story.  Others explain things by way of statements.

– If I talk to my friend Paul, he always has to explain things by way of story. He cannot just simply get to the point or points.  I on the other hand am a statement person.  I get to the bottom line very quickly. I get to the point right away.* I also tend to be impatient with people who tell stories about everything. Thats not good.

Its all about balance. Both ways of being are good and how you explain something I think it all depends upon the context. Jesus early on the His mission used parables quite often. Later on as He neared His death, He got right to the point.

*I must add that while talking I tend to get to the point whereas while writing I take much longer.

~ Some people explain things by way of story.  Others explain things by way of statements. – If I talk to my friend Paul, he always has to explain things by way of story. He cannot just simply get to the point or points.  I on the other hand am a statement person.  I get…

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